Sciatica Pain
The sciatic nerve is formed from the branches of the nerve roots that originate from the lower 2 lumbar vertebrae (L4 and L5) and the spine below the lumbar spine (sacrum). It goes through the rough meat, Decanting from the back of the legs and knees to the feet.
The term sciatica is often defined as the spread of pain along the sciatic nerve. Therefore, it does not appear as a disease, but as a manifestation of certain diseases. It is usually described as a sharp, burning, deep pain that starts from rough meat and goes down the back or side of the right or left leg. The pain usually goes down to the foot, below the knee. The pain may also be accompanied by numbness or pricking. Sitting and standing up can be very painful. Coughing and sneezing can increase pain.
Causes of Sciatica Pain
Herniated disc: It is one of the most common causes of sciatica pain. It is formed as a result of the fact that the cartilage that is herniated between the lumbar Dec presses directly on the nerve roots that make up the sciatic nerve. In addition to pain, it can cause drowsiness (loss of sensation), weakness, tingling.
Narrow canal at the waist: It is often seen in old age. As a result of the narrowing of the spinal canal in the spine, it appears due to compression of the nerve roots by bone and connective tissue. The pain usually depends on the position. It increases in activities such as getting up and walking, decreases when sitting.
Lumbar shift: It is described as the shift of one vertebra over the other vertebra. As a result of this shift, the nerve roots that make up the sciatic nerve are trapped and can cause sciatica pain.
Trauma: Sciatica pain can be caused by pressure exerted on the nerve roots that make up the sciatic nerve at the waist, or directly on the sciatic nerve by external forces such as traffic accidents, sports injuries. Sometimes fractures of the lumbar vertebrae can also crush the nerve.
Novemberformis syndrome: The priformis muscle is one of the hip muscles deep in the rough November. It November be as a result of compression of the sciatic nerve under the priformis muscle. The diagnosis may be difficult because there are no radiological findings such as definitive diagnostic X-ray, MRI.
Spinal tumors: They are abnormal growths that are benign or malignant. They are seen rarely. A spinal tumor that develops in the lower back can cause sciatica pain by pressing on the nerve.
Spinal infection: An infection that develops around the spine can cause sciatica pain with an inflammatory reaction or pressure effect.
First of all, the patient's complaint is evaluated and the history of the disease is questioned. How the pain started, how severe it is, are there any accidents or injuries that have been experienced, and the shape of the pain is tried to be recognized with questions such as. The source and cause of the pain are investigated by physical examination. At the diagnostic stage, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Computed Tomography (CT) and X-ray are usually required.
It is a disease characterized by the fact that the cartilage between the bones in the back spine Decays over time, then ruptures, and the jelly-like tissue between them comes out of the tear and presses on the nerves and spinal cord in the back. Although it is rarer than lumbar and neck hernias, because the spinal canal of the back is narrower, nerve and spinal cord pressure is more common, which can cause significant complaints in patients.
Back pain in a herniated disc occurs in almost every patient. Depending on the location of the hernia, November may be weakness and paralysis of the abdominal muscles and legs. There may be loss of sensation in the trunk and legs, numbness and numbness, tingling. Urinary incontinence and massive incontinence of ablution may be observed.