Hernia of the Back

Hernia of the Back

Hernia of the Back (Hernia of the Thoracic Disc)

It is a disease characterized by the fact that the cartilage between the bones in the back spine Decays over time, then ruptures, and the jelly-like tissue between them comes out of the tear and presses on the nerves and spinal cord in the back. Although it is rarer than lumbar and neck hernias, because the spinal canal of the back is narrower, nerve and spinal cord pressure is more common, which can cause significant complaints in patients.


Back pain in a herniated disc occurs in almost every patient. Depending on the location of the hernia, November may be weakness and paralysis of the abdominal muscles and legs. There may be loss of sensation in the trunk and legs, numbness and numbness, tingling. Urinary incontinence and massive incontinence of ablution may be observed.